ETI allows for extremely fast typing. With an accurate answer to three questions, it is possible to establish your primary type (and the corresponding archetype). From that, it's possible to attribute further archetypes to your aspiration, conscience and unconscious. There are 8 types in total: healer, sage, guardian, warrior, seeker, gambler, hedonist and provocateur.
The test below requires only three pieces of information. The first is whether you're introverted or extroverted. Introverts primarily focus on the subjective aspects of life such as their thoughts and feelings. Extroverts differ in that they focus more on what is objective. This means anything outside of themselves. The second piece of information is whether you are mostly nihilistic or spiritual. Spiritual people believe in a metaphysical force or being capable of effecting themselves and the world around them. Nihilists reject this idea. Finally the test requires that you know whether you prefer consistency or variety.
If you are unsure about how to answer any of these questions, a more traditional personality test is available here: